“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything” .

Very smart Nike’s bet for its branding content campaign.
Nowadays there is almost no difference in sport apparel: quality, price,output nor sports men image: Ronaldo, Messi, or even motto: Jut do it, Impossible is nothing, etc

Nike is going wider and deeper to catch up with a kind of client that is not too much in the “run faster”, “train harder” motivation. Lower in age, millennial or x or z generation, active in social media, and socially compromised. If they have to decide from one trade mark to another they will take the one that goes with their way of thinking.

Now that with Trump, politics are in Social Media more than in Congress , the NFL is in the focus of US debate, and Kaepernick has taken the lead left by others like Mohamed Ali in the fight for discrimination and social rights. Nike wants to be the flag of this “fight” for the right.


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